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Root ToolCase

947 bytes added, 22:48, 25 January 2018
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<strong===== Advanced Reboot ===== ==== Reboot ==== Reboots your device. ==== Soft Reboot ==== Only reboots Android.  ==== Reboot to Recovery ==== Reboots your device into recovery mode. ==== Reboot to Bootloader (fastboot) ==== Reboots your device into bootloader (fastboot mdoe). This option my be locked on some devices. Usually, you can unlock fastboot mode in developer settings. To enable developer settings on your phone, go to //Settings >MediaWiki has been installedAbout phone//, look for section //Build Number// and tap it 7 times.  ==== Power off ==== Just power off your device. ==== Restart System UI ==== This optoion kills and restarts the system UI process.<This can be very useful if the UI crashes. ==== Safe Mode ==== This options restarts your device in safe mode. In safe mode, only system apps will be loaded. To exit safe mode, just restart your device again.  ===== App Manager =====  ===== Flash Wizard =====  ===== Build.prop Editor =====  ===== Init.d Emulator =====  ===== Miscellaneous Tools ===== ==== ADB over WiFi ==== ==== Spell Check ==== ==== Mount system r/strong>w ==== ==== Change system language ====
Consult the [ User's Guide] for information on using the wiki software.
== Getting started ==

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