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Root ToolCase

60 bytes removed, 22:51, 25 January 2018
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===== Advanced Reboot =====
==== Reboot ====
Reboots your device.
==== Soft Reboot ====
Only reboots Android.
==== Reboot to Recovery ====
Reboots your device into recovery mode.
==== Reboot to Bootloader (fastboot) ====
Reboots your device into bootloader (fastboot mdoe). This option my be locked on some devices. Usually, you can unlock fastboot mode in developer settings.
==== Power off ====
Just power off your device.
==== Restart System UI ====
This optoion kills and restarts the system UI process. This can be very useful if the UI crashes.
==== Safe Mode ====
This options restarts your device in safe mode. In safe mode, only system apps will be loaded. To exit safe mode, just restart your device again.
===== App Manager =====
===== Flash Wizard =====
===== Build.prop Editor =====
===== Init.d Emulator =====
===== Miscellaneous Tools =====
==== ADB over WiFi ====
==== Spell Check ====
==== Mount system r/w ====
==== Change system language ====

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