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Root ToolCase

934 bytes added, 21:07, 26 January 2018
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The fastboot protocol is used in combination with the fastboot tool on a PC to directly flash partitions on your device's flash memory.
It can flash recovery or boot (kernel) images, the splash screen image or complete firmware updates.
Nowadays, most devices come with a locked bootloader and you need to unlock your bootloader first,
== App Manager ==
The app manager is definitely the most powerful tool of Root ToolCase.  There are two ways to perform actions on apps: * The app details page * Quick actions from the context menu === Uninstall apps Actions === ;* Uninstall apps : With this option you can uninstall user or system apps. Be careful when removing system apps, removing the wrong applications can cause serious problems. In that case you may need to reflash the complete ROM. ;* Clear app data : This option clears all data of an installed app. This can be useful, to restore an app to default settings. ;* Clear app cache : This option clears the cache of an installed app. ;* Extract apk : This option extracts the apk file of any installed app and saves it to ''/sdcard/Root ToolCase/Extracted''. It is only available from the quick actions menu.
=== Clear app data ===;* Multiple selection
=== Clear app cache ===: You can select several apps at once to perform batch operations like uninstalling multiple apps. This feature is only available from the quick actions menu.
=== Extract apk Search and filter options===
== Flash Wizard ==

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